Model Test

Below is a computer generated random model test for BCS Preliminary Examination. You will need javascript support in your browser(Don't worry, all the modern browsers have that support). The timing is upto you to control. Each question has 36 seconds to answer.

1. Each of the following idioms is followed by some alternatives. choose the one which best expresses its meaning:-To keep one\'s head-
2. List of the business or subjects to be considered at a meeting -
3. The fact that the gorilla is becoming extinct _______wildlife preservationists.
4. New programs will be _ next week in Bangladesh Television.
5. As a student she has just enough money to "GET BY ON." - what is the meaning of highlighted words
6. You're right ......... an extent. You haven't thought about the big picture. So, really, you're only half right.
7. When he heard that he had once again not been select he "lost heart"
8. What is the antonym of "Zeal"?
9. There's......dust on these books.
10. In each of the follwing questions,choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word:-HATE
11. Antonym of - LUCID
12. Who is poet of the Victorian age ?
13. Choose the correctly spelt word:-
14. Militate - synonym ?
15. To ‒ the arrival of spring, Bangladesh Television ‒ a special function.
16.  I cannot help_______there.
17. `syntax' means -
18. Find out the correct spelling_
19. correct spelling
20. The correct sentence of the followings -
22. ‘Bring to book’ means---
23. The government is considering ---- a new international airport.
24. The tense of a verb is mainly related to----
25. To read between the lines-
26. Synonym of - Manipulate ?
27. Catching the earlier train will give us the -- to do some shopping.
28. Similar relationship expressed in the pair: Conscious- Careless
29. Without payment or free of cost ?
30. I did not ------- to attend the function but I had to
31. The antonym of “Panic” is -
32. Choose the correct sentence -
33. The antonym of the word ‘liberty’ is:
34. “Caesar and Cleopatra” is-
35. Honey is__sweet.

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